How can you get involved?
We are always looking for Palmetto Place Philanteers! Philanteers are philanthropic volunteers who donate their time, talents or monetary gifts. We have numerous volunteer opportunities for our partners. Opportunities include:
Sponsoring an Outing for our Residents (bowling, movies, etc. and joining in on the fun!)
Coming to Prepare a Meal For or With our Residents (or gift cards to a local restaurant!)
SuperHAIRos (volunteering your time and talents to our residents for hair care)
Exterior/Landscape work
Tutoring (all subjects needed for Middle & High School ages including ESOL)
Independent Living Workshop (teach a trade or independent living skill to residents)
Donating Your Birthday or Hosting a Product Drive (collecting gift cards in lieu of birthday gifts, hosting a Facebook fundraiser, or hosting a paper product drive at your office/church/group)
All volunteers must first attend a volunteer orientation. If groups of 10 or more are planning to volunteer, at least 2 members from the group must attend an orientation. Orientations are held once a month at various locations around the midlands. To register for one of our upcoming (30-minute) orientations, please email Samantha Gamble at Samantha@palmettoplace.org. For an up-to-date list of all our volunteer opportunities visit the United Way Volunteer Portal. Because we work with children and teens who go to school in the area, all volunteers must be 21 or older. If you are a part of a youth group looking for opportunities, we have many available for you too!
We are so thankful for the support from our community and the volunteers who help with tutoring, meals, and activities. Palmetto Place understands the importance of volunteers and the invaluable contributions they make. Volunteers’ time, energy and talents have helped build the home that has helped more than 7,000 children and teens. Without our volunteers, we wouldn't be able to expose our kids to new experiences like beach trips and the rides at Carowinds, our weekends wouldn't be as much fun, and our hearts wouldn't be filled with as much love. When you volunteer, you help make our home a better place and we know it's only through your tireless giving that we are able to keep our hearts and doors open.
Whether you've got lots of time or just a big heart, we have an opportunity for everyone!
Volunteer FAQs
Q: How many residents should I prepare/purchase a meal for?
A: There are 6 residents at Samantha’s House (Columbia). There are 20 residents at The Oaks (West Columbia). Per SCDSS regulations, all meals must have at least one meat, vegetable, and starch/carb.
Q: I've submitted my volunteer application online, now what?
A: Thank you for your interest in being a Palmetto Place Philanteer! Samantha will be in touch with you shortly to discuss next steps which may include a background check, completion of necessary forms, and an orientation.
Q: Why am I required to do a background check?
A: Per SCDSS regulations, all volunteers who will be interacting with the youth WITHOUT supervision of Palmetto Place Staff members are required to complete a full background check. While we understand this initial process may seem time-consuming we want to do what is best for the safety of our residents. See under “Facts” below about fees and timelines.
If you will not be volunteering with the residents unsupervised, there is only one background check that Palmetto Place will conduct that is done within 5 minutes and has no cost associated.
Q: How do I intern/complete my practicum with Palmetto Place?
A: We receive a lot of requests from students who would like to intern at Palmetto Place. To apply for an internship/practicum, please email your resume and cover letter to May DaSilva at May@palmettoplace.org.
Q: I want to host a product drive or donate items; where can I find a list of items Palmetto Place needs?
A: We keep an up-to-date list of our needs on our website, www.palmettoplace.org/wishlist. From time to time, we may post a specific need on social media, so be sure to follow us!
Q: Is there an age requirement to volunteer?
A: Yes, we ask that volunteers be 21 years or older due to the confidentiality of our residents. However, we would love to have interested volunteers who are younger than 21 involved—some creative opportunities include hosting a Facebook Fundraiser, donating your birthday to Palmetto Place by asking for gift cards or products in lieu of birthday gifts, and collecting items from our wishlist.
We are only able to accept new clothing/shoes/bed linens. Please email Samantha@palmettoplace.org to schedule a pick-up or drop-off of donations.
You can volunteer with us at the last minute by completing a Volunteer Application and Conduct Agreement form and providing a copy of your driver’s license for staff to run a quick background check. Volunteering will be supervised by Palmetto Place staff.
For a full background check to be engaged with our youth unsupervised, the process typically takes 1-2 weeks to clear and there is a cost associated. Samantha will contact you as soon as the process is completed.